We live in the fast-moving and rapidly changing world of business travel. Today’s digital technology connects people like never before, transforming the way we think, live and work. This change spans every travel market and sector – increasing supply and demand, while driving higher customer expectations and an unrivalled level of choice.

This shifting landscape creates new opportunities in our industry, with technology enabling us to tailor travel experiences like never before. Our customers – clients, their travelers or employees and suppliers – demand the same levels of service, choice and personalization they experience as general consumers.

On Inbound Travel..

For over 60 years, Menatours has been a dominant player in the inbound travel market in Egypt. Our strategy has remained the same throughout – to focus on the quality of the services we provide to travelers, and the savings we can generate for our clients.

We understand that you are in the business of travel, and that you stand behind the services provided to your clients when they are abroad – that is why our commitment is unwavering to our quality of service, because we are here to represent you.

On Business Travel..

Through our many years of experience, we understand our travelers are your employees. We help them be more productive, engaged and well cared for.

We focus on B2B4E, short for “business to business for employees.” We believe we have an opportunity to bring the best consumer experience to your employees, while giving companies like yours what they need to maximize productivity.

Menatours has a critical role in helping you support, engage and enable your employees when they are traveling. We’ll help you unleash the talent and value of your business, by offering seamless service—delivered by our people and technology.

Our Brand Promises


the business of travel


to unlock possibilities

Moving forward
